Terms and conditions - Dentech
General terms and conditions


Name: DENTECH d.o.o.
Address: Poljička cesta 26A, Split
OIB: 11294765977
MB: 060313814
IBAN: HR9723600001102727410

Name and address of the bank: Zagrebačka banka d.d., Poljička cesta 14, Split
E-mail address: info@dentech.hr
Phone: +385 (0)21 488 699

These General Terms and Conditions govern the terms and conditions for the user’s use of the website. The general conditions come into force as soon as the clinic confirms the patient’s appointment in writing in any way.
By accepting the terms or attending the Dentech dental clinic, you agree to comply with all terms and conditions listed below:


To be treated with dignity and respect, in accordance with professional standards that apply to all patients regardless of payment method, race, gender, nationality, religion, culture, identity or any other factor.
The right to get the care you need while respecting your values and beliefs.
The right to receive necessary health care based on clinical need.
To be referred to a special care specialist/consultant when there is a clinical need for this.
The right to receive detailed explanations of your medical condition, care, treatment/treatment and aftercare using layman’s terms so that you fully understand everything.
The right to access your medical record and medical data.
The right to a second opinion or to be assigned to another doctor if you are not satisfied with the care provided or the opinion of the previous one.
The right to privacy during examinations, various procedures, clinical care/treatment/treatment; in addition, you have the right to know who is present in the office and what their functions are.
The right to receive oral and written information about any proposed treatment; the right to be informed if there are alternative treatments.
The right to obtain relevant, current and comprehensible information about medicines and treatment.
The right to discuss and request all information related to your therapy/treatment or possible side effects.
The right to file a complaint; confirmation of the complaint, investigation of the complaint and feedback in written form in accordance with the institution’s policy.


To show personal documents upon request.
To follow the rules and regulations stated in the clinic or in the materials you received.
To treat all other patients, team members and visitors with respect, courtesy and privacy.
The use of abusive language or anti-social behavior towards other patients, visitors or staff will not be tolerated. In this case, you will be asked to leave the clinic.
Be considerate of the needs and comfort of other patients, especially when their needs are greater than yours.
To provide complete and accurate personal information as well as medical history information, including allergies, medications you use and other relevant details so that you can receive complete and safe care at the clinic.
To participate as best as you can in making decisions about your treatment, to follow the instructions and adhere to the treatment plan given to you by the clinic.
To notify the clinic if a problem arises that prevents you from following your treatment plan.
If you do not follow the instructions or the treatment plan and recommendations you received in the clinic, you are responsible for any consequences.
Be on time for your appointments and treatment, and notify the clinic at least 24 hours in advance if you know you will not be able to attend the appointment, so that the time can be used for another patient.
Inform the medical team immediately if you have any special requirements.
You are fully responsible for paying for the services provided by the clinic.


Dental clinic Dentech allows the following payment methods:

credit cards
bank transfers
a) Payment in cash
Croatia is a member of the EU and accordingly, all cash payments must be in EURO currency. You can exchange pounds, Swiss francs and other currencies in one of the many exchange offices (all exchange rates are listed in accordance with the exchange rates of the Croatian National Bank).
b) Payment by credit card
Dental clinic Dentech charges for its services in EURO currency and debits money from your credit card in EUR. Depending on whose bank card you have, the same bank automatically converts the charged amount into the currency of your original account. Please note that the prices listed in the PRICE LIST are expressed in EUR for ease of understanding.
c) Payment by bank transfer
The patient will receive by e-mail complete information about the bank account on the basis of which the payment is made through the bank. After payment, we ask for a copy of the payment confirmation. Upon receipt of payment, Dentech will send the patient a written confirmation.


Payment is made after the therapy/treatment. The patient pays only for the dental service/treatment that has been completed. Each payment is confirmed by an invoice in the local currency (EUR) and is translated into other languages (according to the patient’s needs).


Patients traveling to Croatia must have a valid travel document. All such documentation is the sole responsibility of the patient. Patients/travelers from the EU must have a valid identity card or passport, while those patients who do not have the status of EU citizens are required to submit additional documentation if necessary (visa).